

藤井風『LOVE ALL SERVE ALL』セルフライナーノーツ書き起こし

JST 21:30~ "LOVE ALL SERVE ALL" Listening Party - YouTube

2022/03/21 JST 21:30~ "LOVE ALL SERVE ALL" Listening Partyで公開された「セルフライナーノーツ」を書き下ろしました。Listening Party 全文書き起こしはこちら(準備中)。


01. きらり / Kirari

「HONDA VEZEL」のCMのおかげで誕生し、そして今までで一番広いところまで届いてくれた曲。しかもそれが自分自身を表しているような、軽くて楽しいポップソングだったことはすごくラッキーだった。より広く愛してもらえる作品をずっと探していたから、本当にサビの歌詞の通り"どこにいたの、さがしてたよ"って感じ。

This is my biggest song so far, and I love the fact because this song is like me, fun, free, and breezy like me, like the wind,. I'm very proud of this kid.


02. まつり / Matsuri


This song is like a cerebration of good and bad things in life. They are all equal. This song is about accepting and embracing every little thing that happens in our lives as a gift from the universe. I absolutely adore this song. So somebody, play this at my funeral.


03. へでもねーよ (LASA edit) / Hedemo Ne-Yo (IDGAFart)

珍しく、怒りのような感情から生まれた曲。その衝動をそのまま出したようなsingle ver.から月日は流れ、俺の心境も変わった。このアルバムになじませるためには、もう少し余裕をもって、より豊かな色彩で、この曲を再構築する必要があると思った。結果、このLASA editはあの頃の衝動もどこか俯瞰して見ているような、よりクールでアダルトな仕上がりになった。はぁ、大人になったなぁ。


This song was born from anger, originally, but time goes by, I feel the need to sublime that feeling into more sophisticated one. So I edited the original version to something new for this album. Because I have grown a a musician and as a human. Thank God, I love this new version of this song, and I love the new version of me.


04. やば。 / YABA


Musically inspired by my favorite R&B music from various era, like 90s or 70s, 80s... So many "YABA" means something like "Oh my God!" or "Yikes!". I use this word "YABA" all the time. Definitely my favorite Japanese word, I'D been waiting for a song, titled "YABA" for a long time, but Iit never came. So I was like I gotta do this and I did.


05. 燃えよ / MO-EH-YO (Ignite)

昨年夏の「NISSAN stadium "Free" Live」のチーム風のテーマ曲としていたところから、Google PixelのCM曲にもなり、紅白歌合戦でも披露させてもらった、とても恩と縁を持ち合わせた楽曲。このアルバムの中で一番古い曲なのかもしれない。だから、もうこれからはこんな曲はかけないのかもしれない。若くて、ストレートで、熱い曲。だからこそ今、大切にしたい曲。

I performed this song at one of the biggest TV shows in Japan last year. That was definitely a big moment for me. And I think the music video is pretty iconic. I love that. This song is possibly the oldest one from the album So young and passionate, like 17-year old me. So I have to protect him, I have to protect this song.


06. ガーデン / Garden


Writing this song gave me some sort of courage or motivation to move on at my own pace, after releasingmy first album. And I was like burned-out. This song is chill, but have spiritual meaning. The arrangement by sound producer Yaffle. This also has a gospel vibes.I hope this will lift up your spirit.


07. damn


I love this English word, "damn". I'm struggling in this song, like "Damn why do I have to care this much," "Why should I have this weird feeling, damn," but in the end of this song, I realized, I don't have to give a damn. I have to love yourself first. Anyway, that's the key to being happy, I found. It is basically a self love song with the disco and nostalgic pop rock flavors.


08. ロンリーラプソディ / Lonely Rhapsody


I didn't know waht exactly "rhapsody" means, but anyway I named this song, "Lonely Rhapsody". But this one has a caredree melodies that flows at its own pace, so I don't think I was wrong at this time. This is for the lonely people like me. We are all alone, butaat the same time we are all one. This is what this "Lonely Rhapsody" is all about.


09. それでは、 / Bye For Now,


I always wanted to make something like a movie soundtrack, and I needed something like a closing track for this album, before it actually ends. Then I got this song from heaven on a cold starry night. I'm happy to share this sparking inspirations with you all.


10. "青春病" / "Seishun Sick"


This song is so important. So I have to be extra careful about this song's position, but after all, I wanted this song to be like an ending theme, end credits of never-ending movie. We removed the soung of classroom at the beggining and the end of this song. So, album version(s title has quotation marks.


11. 旅路 / Tabiji

初めてのドラマタイアップとして書きおろしたこの曲は、いつの間にか、ライブでも一番最後に歌うほど大切な一曲になっていた。"いろいろあるけど きっといつかすべてを愛すだろう" "LOVE ALL SERVE ALL"という大きなテーマに向かってみんなでぼちぼち歩いていく。この曲はそんな風に、ゆるく、あたたかく、田舎の道を照らす夕日のように、このアルバムを締めくくってくれている。

"Tabiji" means journey. This journey called "Life is full of ups and downs, but before we know it, even today will be a nostalgic memory. And we eill laugh them all. We will love them all." This is the lyrics of this song, and I convinced that no one..., no other song could close this album more lovingly, like beatiful sunsets at the end of the day.